domingo, março 12, 2017

Post 6084 Domingo, 12.3.17 - Filmes na televisão The Age of Adaline

A idade de Adaline (The Age of Adaline) de Lee Toland, argumento de J. Mills Goodloe e Salvador Paskowitz, com Blake Lively, Michel Hulsman, Ellen Burstyn e Harrison Ford.

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Na Wikipédia
Jenny kiss'd Me (original title: Rondeau) is a poem by the English essayist Leigh Hunt. It was first published in November 1838 by the Monthly Chronicle.[2]
The poem — per its original title, a rondeau — was inspired by Jane Welsh, the wife of Thomas Carlyle. According to anthologist Martin Gardner, "Jenny kiss'd Me" was written during a flu epidemic, and refers to an unexpected visit by the recovered Hunt to the Carlyle household and being greeted by Jenny.

Jenny Kiss’d Me

Related Poem Content Details

Jenny kiss’d me when we met, 
Jumping from the chair she sat in; 
Time, you thief, who love to get 
Sweets into your list, put that in! 
Say I’m weary, say I’m sad, 
Say that health and wealth have miss’d me, 
Say I’m growing old, but add, 
Jenny kiss’d me. 

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